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Master your Market

Go-to-Market strategy, tactics, ideas, facts, and fun stories

How to Create a Powerful Positioning Statement

In the fast-paced world of B2B marketing, mixed messages can be a death knell for an emerging business, new product launch, or even an established business.  Imagine attending a trade show where your CEO and a sales rep offer completely different explanations of what your company does.  Ouch.

Strategic Marketing versus Tactical Marketing

Strategies and tactics are frequently used interchangeably when discussing achieving goals. However, despite their apparent similarity, these two terms hold distinct meanings, particularly in the realm of marketing.

The strategy is the direction towards the goal. Tactics are the action taken to support the strategy. Simply put, strategy refers to the plan to achieve a goal while the tactic is how you execute the plan.

In business, marketing is the action a company takes to create brand awareness and place products in front of prospects. When creating your marketing plan, strategic marketing comes first because it deals with the direction of your business growth in relation to your competitors. It is a long-term goal that is broad. Next, comes tactical planning which consists of the actual process involved in improving your competitive position.

Strategic marketing and tactical marketing don’t oppose each other; they complement the other. Essentially, strategic marketing is the concept while tactical marketing is the action. Let’s take a closer look at what each type of marketing involves.

Use Audience-Focused Messaging Not Company-Focused Messaging

The key lesson for successful marketers is to shift the focus away from themselves. Effective messaging revolves around the needs and desires of the target audience, rather than highlighting the company, CEO, sales team, or marketing team. Skilled marketers understand that the content they create should address the pain points or passions of their audience, not the internal concerns of the executive, sales, or marketing teams.

While it's essential to incorporate product-focused content in your content library, the key is to ensure that even descriptions of your offerings are centered around your audience. Every piece of content should address the question that potential customers are silently asking: "How does this benefit me?"

To determine if your content is self-centered, take a moment to review your website pages, brochures, or webinar invitations. Are you focused on showcasing your company and offerings, or are you engaging your audience by offering them valuable insights and opportunities for growth? Keep an eye out for common phrases that indicate a 'me first' mindset, as these can hinder audience engagement and connection.

Crafting Market Dominance: The Power of a Strategic Go-To-Market Plan

Explore how implementing a strategic go-to-market plan can propel your business to market dominance and outperform competitors.

Understanding the Importance of a Strategic Go-To-Market Plan

A strategic go-to-market plan is essential for the success of any B2B business. By having a well-defined strategy in place, businesses can effectively enter the market and establish a strong presence. This plan outlines the steps and actions needed to reach the target audience, generate leads, and convert them into customers.

Integrate Marketing Fundamentals with a Modern Go-to-Market Strategy

In the olden days of marketing, we talked about positioning statements, the 4 Ps, marketing plans, branding, etc. Some pundits and bloggers might claim that these old style concepts and practices are obsolete and have been replaced with content marketing, social media, marketing automation, SEO, SEM and so on. I suggest these so-called old style, outdated concepts, strategies, and tactics are more important than ever. As professional marketers, I propose that we go back to the future and embrace the fundamentals before we begin to use the modern tools and trendy fads.

Top 10 KPIs for B2B Revenue Teams

Perhaps the best we can do with measuring marketing performance ROI is to employ the age-old statement made by John Wanamaker more than 90 years ago, "Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half."