Book a meeting to learn more about your Go to Market Playbook

Book a free 30 minute virtual meeting with Bruce.

During the call:

  • Ask your questions about the Go to Market Playbook and learn how the process works.
  • Bruce will ask some questions about your business and how creating a playbook can help out.
  • We'll decide together if there is a reason to take the next step and decide what that step will be.

Other options:
Phone: (720) 378-8422‬

Frequently asked questions

What are the benefits of a go to market strategy?

A go-to-market (GTM) strategy is crucial for B2B companies because it directly influences how effectively they can introduce products to the market and achieve sustained success. Here are some key benefits of a GTM strategy for a B2B company:

  1. Clear Targeting: A GTM strategy helps define and target the right customer segments. Understanding who the buyers are, what they need, and how they prefer to purchase can significantly improve marketing and sales effectiveness.

  2. Streamlined Product Launches: It provides a roadmap for launching new products, outlining steps for market entry, and identifying the necessary resources. This ensures that all aspects of the product launch are aligned and executed efficiently.

  3. Enhanced Competitive Advantage: By understanding the market dynamics, customer pain points, and competitor offerings, a GTM strategy helps in positioning the product more effectively, thereby enhancing competitive advantages.

  4. Optimized Marketing and Sales Alignment: A well-defined GTM strategy aligns marketing and sales efforts towards common goals. This alignment is crucial in B2B contexts where longer sales cycles and multiple stakeholders are involved.

  5. Improved Customer Understanding: It emphasizes understanding customer needs and feedback, which can drive product development and innovation tailored to market demands.

  6. Better Resource Allocation: With a clear GTM strategy, companies can allocate their resources more efficiently, investing in areas with the highest return on investment, such as specific marketing channels or sales activities.

  7. Faster Time to Market: A systematic approach to launching products can significantly reduce time to market, allowing companies to capitalize on market opportunities more rapidly.

  8. Increased Revenue and Growth: Ultimately, a well-executed GTM strategy can lead to increased sales effectiveness, higher customer retention rates, and expanded market share, driving revenue growth and profitability.

For a B2B company, especially in industries like electronic instruments where products can be complex and the buying process involves multiple decision-makers, a robust GTM strategy is vital for achieving business objectives and maintaining a competitive edge in the market.

What is a go-to-market playbook?

The go to market playbook is a guide for the revenue team (sales, marketing, and leaders) to ensure efficient messaging and application of resources. It is designed as a reference that ensures sales and marketing alignment. It also acts as an onboarding tool to help new sales and marketing team members get up to speed and start contributing faster.

The MMG playbook template includes:

  1. Offering and Features summary
  2. Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)
  3. Target Market
  4. Positioning Statement
  5. Target Roles
  6. Strengths, Weaknesses
  7. Differentiators
  8. Sweet Spot for TOMA
  9. Value Proposition & Elevator Pitch
  10. Main Messages & Proof Points
  11. Competition
  12. Next Steps